You’ve been through a divorce or a suit affecting the parent-child relationship, and the other party was ordered to pay child support by the Court, the terms of which were all located within the Court’s final orders. With all orders of child support, the orders state how much the obligor (responsible parent) is supposed to pay, how often they have to pay, and to whom they make the payment (in most if not all cases, the state disbursement unit). However, it’s been several months, or even years, and the other party has failed to comply with the child support order. You need financial help in raising your child; but you’ve reminded the other parent time and time again about this, and they still refuse to help you. So, you contact your attorney at Guest & Gray, P.C. who informs you that there is a solution–motion for enforcement.
Within this motion for enforcement, you will plead the dates that the child support payments were due, the amount that was due, and the amount that was paid. So, for instance, if the obligor was ordered to pay $200.00 on the first day of each month, and they just didn’t make a payment at all, then the amount paid would be $0.00. And, if they did make a payment of some amount, you can list that. But, the reality is that they were ordered to pay a certain amount, and that amount needed to be paid in full.
Because the obligor has failed to make their child support payments, then they are now in what is called arrearages for child support. This means that they have an outstanding balance. In pleading for an enforcement of the child support order, you will plead the total amount that the obligor is currently in arrearages. You will ask that the Court confirm this amount when you have your hearing and order that the obligor be responsible for that full amount.