I am by no means a licensed mental health professional, psychologist or psychiatrist; however if you have been a follower of my blog regarding divorce, child custody, or any family law issue you know that I constantly write about the psychological tolls that the cases take on my clients. This…
Articles Posted in Parenting Class
What are the Holiday Child Possession and Visitation Schedules in Texas?
In Texas, if the child custody visitation schedules are court-ordered they are typically either standard possession or expanded standard possession (alternate beginning and ending times). One parent will have the exclusive right to designate the child’s primary residence and then the non-primary parent has the visitation schedule. In contrast to…
How can I get my spouse to quit talking to the children about our divorce case?
You get your children back from your ex’s house after their visitation and they are openly telling you all about the divorce case, what your ex has called you and where you should go, etc. You are appalled and upset that your children know anything about your case. You call…
What About the Children: Divorce Effects on Children and Assistance for Parents to Help Prevent Those Effects
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, “in 2009, 14 states had divorce rates for men that were significantly above the U.S. average, ranging from 10.0 to 13.5 per 1,000” which included Texas. Divorce is present throughout our state and it is a difficult and emotional process. But, it’s even more…