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Articles Posted in Mediation


What is Divorce Mediation in Texas and When is it Appropriate

Divorce can be an emotionally draining and contentious process. However, it doesn’t always have to be a battleground. At the Dallas County divorce law firm of Guest & Gray, we often recommend divorce mediation as a viable alternative to traditional divorce litigation. This blog post will shed light on what…


The Importance of Understanding Future Income in a Mediated Settlement Agreement

What is a Mediated Settlement Agreement? If you reach an agreement in a mediation, more precisely called a Mediated settlement agreement or MSA for short, the agreement is binding on you and all other parties you are agreeing with in a family law case as long as the MSA is…


What’s the Law in Texas on Challenging Mediated Settlement Agreements?

In Texas, if a mediated settlement agreement is properly executed you cannot challenge it.  Texas Family Code Section 153.0071(d) and (e) mandate that courts shall issue an order in compliance with a mediated settlement agreement.  This is why it is so important to have an attorney attend mediation with you. …


Post-Majority Expenses/Support—You May Have an Order, But Is It Enforceable?

You have a pending case involving a child (divorce, SAPCR, modification) and child support has been established.  However, like most parents you are concerned about the future—what happens when the children go to college, how will I afford their expenses then?  Most people say that you can “save the child…


What happens if I fail a drug test in a child custody case?

If there is an allegation that either you or the other parent is abusing an illegal controlled substance, then a drug test can be requested. Typically, the testing will occur with Forensic DNA & Drug Testing facility in Dallas and if requested by either party, then the court will order…

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