Most people assume that if you are awarded primary custody, and you have a child living with you the majority of the time, then the other parent will pay you child support. The Dallas Court of Appeals recently heard a case in which Father was ordered to pay child support,…
Articles Posted in Divorce
Van Zandt County Standing Orders in Family Law Cases
If you file a divorce or child custody case in Van Zandt County, Texas the following standing orders will apply. Standing orders are rules that judges enforce without the parties asking for them. Standing orders are used to preserve the status quo and prevent one party from emptying the bank…
Who Gets the House in a Divorce?
One of the most common concerns people have in a divorce is who is going to keep the house they have been living in during their marriage. The answer to that question can vary in each case depending on the facts of that particular case. This blog post is going…
Can I Make a Marital Property Agreement in Texas?
Can I Make a Marital Property Agreement? There has been a lot of discussion about pre-marital agreements in media and it is something most people are probably somewhat aware of. Follow this link: Premarital Agreements in Texas for more information on premarital agreements. So, what about after you are married, are…
5 Ways to Avoid Super Bowl Sunday Negatively Impacting your Family Law Matter
There are lots of things associated with Super Bowl Sunday. Snack food and memorable commercials are two that come to mind. Some other things associated with Super Bowl Sunday might not be such a good idea when it comes to your case that involves family law. This blog is going…
5 Financial Considerations to Keep in Mind When Planning for Divorce
Taking the time to decide what changes will need to be made because of the realities of the divorce is an important step in the divorce process. Many people enter into divorce without taking into consideration the changes that are going to need to be made after the divorce and…
The Importance of Understanding Future Income in a Mediated Settlement Agreement
What is a Mediated Settlement Agreement? If you reach an agreement in a mediation, more precisely called a Mediated settlement agreement or MSA for short, the agreement is binding on you and all other parties you are agreeing with in a family law case as long as the MSA is…
What’s the deal with fault divorce in Texas?
Why is everyone talking about fault and no-fault divorce lately? Fault divorces have been in the news lately in Texas because Representative Matt Krause from Fort Worth authored a bill that would get rid of so-called “no-fault” divorces in Texas. Right now, all fifty states allow for a no-fault divorce.…
How can you tell if your marriage is headed for disaster?
Aren’t half of marriages going to end in divorce no matter what? Sort of. It is true that about 40 to 50 percent of marriages in America end in divorce. With numbers that high, some might assume that divorce is almost inevitable in most marriages. But research indicates that…
Can I get parts of my divorce decree thrown out while keeping the parts I like?
Can I appeal my divorce while still accepting benefits from the parts of the judgment that work in my favor? As with most questions asked about the law, the answer to whether you can appeal a part of your divorce while accepting benefits from the parts of the divorce you…