In Texas family law cases, there are two separate types of protective documents that parties can seek. Restraining orders are not to be confused with protective orders. Most often, parties seek a restraining order in a divorce or suit affecting the parent-child relationship to take exclusive possession of property or…
Articles Posted in Custody
How do I get child support started?
You are a parent who has primary possession of the children and you need financial assistance from the other parent but they are not willing to help out by agreement alone. You realize you are going to have to take additional measures to get anything out of them; more specifically,…
What is a right of first refusal?
Are you involved in a divorce or child custody suit and you are concerned that your ex constantly leaves your child with strangers or a relative? Then the right of first refusal might be the answer to your concern. The questions then arise as to how it works and would…
How can I get my spouse to quit talking to the children about our divorce case?
You get your children back from your ex’s house after their visitation and they are openly telling you all about the divorce case, what your ex has called you and where you should go, etc. You are appalled and upset that your children know anything about your case. You call…
I want to move for a new job, can I have my geographical restriction modified?
You have final orders in your custody case and you have the exclusive right to designate the primary residence of the child. The problem is that this right is subject to a geographical restriction (ex. Dallas County and contiguous counties, Kaufman County and contiguous counties, etc.) and therefore it puts…
I don’t want my ex to know where I live, can I keep this information secret?
Many people come in and ask our office this question because they have legitimate concerns regarding the other party. Most importantly, these cases often involve allegations of family violence or there is a pending protective order already in place. If you are afraid of your ex in any way, you…
Do I have to wait three years to modify child support? What about custody? How long do I have to wait to modify a final family order?
You have a final family order, whether it is an order in suit affecting the parent-child relationship, final decree of divorce, etc., and you would like it modified. You are either the parent receiving child support and you want the amount increased or you are the parent paying child support…
I am concerned about the person my Ex is dating; Can I modify my child custody orders to keep this person away from my child?
You have been divorced for a few years and your child comes home after a visit with their dad and reports “daddy has a new girlfriend.” You start asking questions like the person’s name, what they look like, what they did, etc. You find out the new girlfriend spent the…
What Fathers Need to Know about Child Support
You are a father who wants to be a good dad and support his child without breaking the bank and not being able to support yourself. You do need financial resources in order to do this and you will probably pay guideline support. Our firm can help you. How Much…
New Texas Family Laws for 2013
New 2013 Texas Family Laws At Guest and Gray our Forney and Rockwall Family team works to keep our clients informed on changes in the Family Code. Recently, the legislature passed many new laws that affects Texas families. Our family attorney can help you understand how these laws will affect…